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Homemaking Hacks 1.6
Find inspirations to make life simpler on theHomemaking Hacks app. Among easy to prepare recipes and easy tofollow shortcuts, you'll creative authentic stories from DawnLopez, a wife and mom living in Rhode Island. Find out how tore-create easy time saving ideas for yourself right at home andwalk away with something valuable. You'll also find a healthy doseof slow cooker recipes and fun seasonal treats that you're friendsand family will be raving about.
University of Dhaka 1.6
Welcome to the android app of University ofDhaka. By installing this app in your android phone, you can accessthe university website directly from your mobile platform. It'sfree of cost, and easy to use. In courtesy of: Biniamin
Learnmyself 1.7
Highly accurate personality test based on thescientifically validated IPIP Neo inventory. Learn about everyaspect of your personality as well as how others perceiveyou.
Werken in Marokko 1.7
Werken in Marokko | Vacatures in Marokko |Werk in Marokko | Marokko 2015 een nieuwe start! Wij vanwww.marokkowerkt.nl proberen alle Nederlandstalige vacatures inMarokko, netjes voor jullie in één overzicht te plaatsen. DeNederlandse vacaturesite in Marokko. Votre siteweb sourcing profilsnéerlandais au Maroc. Recrutement néerlandophone au Maroc.Working in Morocco |Morocco Jobs | Work in Morocco | Morocco in 2015 a new start! Wetry www.marokkowerkt.nl of all Dutch jobs in Morocco proper for youto place in one overview. The Dutch vacancy in Morocco. Votresiteweb sourcing profils anglais au Maroc. Recrutementnéerlandophone au Maroc.
Pre Exam Hall 1.6
Pre Exam Hall is the Nigerian foremost exampreparation site (a service of Edumart Nigeria Ltd). It was createdto help students prepare smart, score more and boost theirconfidence level. For success in Common Entrance, WAEC, GCE, Jamb,Post-UTME, Professional Exams, you have come to the right site.Features • Up to 34 years past question papers on differentsubjects • It is time-based which help students increase theirspeed. • Scoring and result are automated • Instant access to thereview of your performance
Science Skool 1.9
Science Skool is a free app/website forA-level Chemistry and GCSE Science. It will cater for students aged11-18 years of age, and will contain notes, questions, videos andmore. There are frequent content updates via twitter, Facebook andmy blog. The website and app is totally free and will always betotally free.
Senitas Human Hair 2.0
Welcome to the Senitas Hair Store. This is theone place to get all your Best Quality Human Hair for personal useas well and restocking your store. We are always sourcing hard tofind products from all over the world that will suit your needs.SENITAS POPULAR VIRGIN CURLS HAIR... BRAZILIAN HUMAN HAIR...PERUVIAN HUMAN HAIR... MONGOLIAN HAIR... MALAYSIAN HAIR... INDIANHAIR TOP CLOSURE - FREE PARTINGS, STRAIGHT PARTINGS, 3 PARTINGSE.T.C FULL LACEWIGS - U PARTS, BODYWAVE, DEEPWAVE, CURLY, WAVY ANDMANY MORE FRONTAL LACEWIGS...
KG Training and Assessing 1.9
KG Training & Assessing provide high risktraining for the mining and constructions industries in Australia.We can provide training for Dogging, Rigging, Scaffolding, Cranes,Forklift, Elevated Work Platforms, Safe Working at Heights andConfined Space. We can also provide many other training courses onrequest. We are also able to complete Verification of Competencies(VOCs) at client request. We are one of only 5 TrainingOrganisations in WA authorised to deliver High Risk Training to RioTinto.•
H-Trio 1.7
We are a technology company based in TheNetherlands partnership with H3o Media Tech Nigeria, H-TrioTechnology Kenya and Uganda incorporated to create awareness in thelatest and application of technology to benefit local companies andshift individual mindset to embracing them. We co-operate with ourpartners to operate in Europe and Africa across many differentvertical markets. Chastos-H3o Technology distributes extensivevariants of technology from interactive touch screens tocorporate/promotional gifts that impact business community anddaily lives positively as they evolve. Our mission is as simple ascreating awareness and introducing the latest "Bespoke" technologyat the most competitive of prices. We are convinced that thesecombined motives will benefit corporate bodies and the youth ofAfrica, to not only to become consumers of technology but alsoinventors of technology products.
DirtyPinkCard™ 1.7
Το Lady’s Choice είναι το online γυναικείοportal που είναι εδώ για να δώσει στη γυναίκα περισσότερες αλλά καικαλύτερες επιλογές. Στη ιστοσελίδα μας www.ladys-choice.com, η κάθεγυναίκα μπορεί να ενημερωθεί από ειδικούς για θέματα υγείας,διατροφής, εκγύμνασης, ψυχολογίας, αλλά και ό,τι άλλο τηναπασχολεί, που θα την καθοδηγούν σε ένα καλύτερο τρόπο ζωής. Γιαόλα τα υπόλοιπα έχει δημιουργηθεί για τη γυναίκα και μόνο, τοσχέδιο DirtyPinkCard™ για να κάνει και πάλι τα ψώνια την απόλυτηεμπειρία για τη γυναίκα που θα την έχει στα χέρια της... ΣχέδιοDirtyPinkCard™ (DPC) Το σχέδιο DPC της ladys-choice.com, ήρθε γιανα βάλει στη ζωή της γυναίκας μια πινελιά διαφορετικού “ροζ”κάνοντας, και πάλι, τα ψώνια μια ευχάριστη και συμφέρουσα εμπειρία.Με την DirtyPinkCard™ στα χέρια σας, εξοικονομείτε χρήματα απο τιςαγορές σας, μέσα απο τις προσφορές και τις εκπτώσεις που θα σαςδώσει, κάνοντας τα ψώνια σας στους επιλεγμένους συνεργάτεςμας.The Lady's Choice is theonline women's portal is here to give the woman more and betterchoices. On our site www.ladys-choice.com, each woman may beadvised by experts on health, nutrition, fitness, psychology, andeverything else is concerned, that will guide to a betterlifestyle. For all other created for the woman alone, DirtyPinkCard™ plan to do it again the ultimate shopping experience for thewoman who has her hands ... Project DirtyPinkCard ™ (DPC) The DPCproject of ladys -choice.com, came to put the woman's life a touchdifferent "pink" by, again, shopping a pleasant and profitableexperience. By DirtyPinkCard ™ in your hands, save money from yourpurchases through the offers and discounts that will give you,doing your shopping at our selected partners.
CV warehouse | CV Distribution 1.8
CV warehouse provides the best onlineprofessional resume writing and CV distribution service for UAE,UK, USA, GCC, and for ant country of your choice. Now get job in afew days with our new resume distributing technology. Just email usat: info@cv-warehouse.com CVwarehouse professional writers are a second pair of eyes, which iscrucial to notice mistakes that you may not see and they will becorrected before being sent to recruiters. We know that searchingfor a job is hard enough, so by giving us your CV to write, one ofthe most time consuming parts of looking for your next job is takencare of, giving you more time to preparing for new interviews &position.... and our CV Distribution make it more easy foryou.
Lien It! 1.6
Abandoned car titles and DMV auto registrationservice. Save time,Go online!
Trevor's Landscaping 1.8
Trevor's Landscaping offers professionallandscape services at the touch of your finger! Landscape Design,Ponds, Hardscaping, Retaining walls, paver patios, sodinstallation, fertilization, mulching. edging, trimming, treeservices, stump grinding, brush removal and more!
Africa ENews 1.8
It's never been easier to access the latestAfrican entertainment news, celebrity photos, and music videos.Now, you can stay connected with day's hot topics and trendingevents. You can even share articles, photos, and videos viaFacebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. Catch up on the latestmusic videos uploaded daily, flip through fashion and style photos,and read the breaking African entertainment news. Africanentertainment is at your fingertips with the new Africa ENewsapp!
"World's No. 1 Thermal Massage Bed Company !"SPAN SURE Medical Instruments Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leadingcompany in the Thermal Massage Beds, Healthcare & MedicalEquipment .SPAN SURE Medical Instruments Pvt Ltd. is the firstcompany to introduce Super Thermal Massage Bed that contains supernatural “Jade stone” SPAN SURE Therapy is helpful in curing theLifestyle problems such as Diabetes, Backache, Thyroid, Asthma, andKnee pain, Numbness, Cervical, High Cholesterol, Gout and Arthritisetc. It is also used for the treatment of Paralysis, Kidney andliver problem, Cancer and many more chronic diseases. EasternMedicine Techniques SPANSURE combines technology with manytraditional principles of Eastern Medicine such as Moxibustion andSPAN SURE Pressure to massage and soothe the body’s “distresssignals,” such as muscle tension and pain associated with stress.SPANSURE Pressure relaxes the muscles while moxibustion directsheat to the applied part of the body, stimulating overall bloodcirculation and relieving muscle pains. We can proudly say thatmillions of people across the globe are taking benefit of thethermal massage bed therapy and getting improvement in theirailments. We welcome you at our Demonstration Center for Unlimitedfree Trials. Great Business Opportunity in Trillion Dollar Industry! Trillion dollar growing industry Need of every family Neverending demands Good Status & Great profits ! SPANSUREFranchisees give you a promising Bright future in the HealthIndustry ! Requirements for a SPANSURE Center Franchisee require:An entrepreneur mind individual. Who want to show his/ hercapability .Area of 1500 to 2000 sq. ft (rented orowned)Investments:- 5 lacs to 25 lacs Expected Income :- 50,000 to3 lacs per month SPANSURE Support:Location Survey,Pre-openingservicesMarketing & Branding Support, Training After-salesSupport and Customer Relationship Management Support etc. SPANSUREFRANCHISES USP Company Support Training Support Merchandising likeT-Shirts, Caps, Canopy etc. Fastest Growing Business Social ImageZero Risk Recognized Brand High Returns For detailedinformation’s.. Kindly email us at sales@spansuremedical.com .Our Business Development Team will be in contact with you shortlyfor further discussions.
Strite's Donuts 1.8
Strite's Donuts is the original donut truck inthe Shenandoah Valley, we have been in business since July 2004 andare still a family run business. We started at a few local fallfestivals that the Pence family had been doing. Back then therewere only two flavors, glazed and cinnamon-sugar and we would sellout by 10 am. People would ask where else could they get out ourdonuts, can we come to other festivals, we should start a store,ect. In 2007 we bought our first trailer to operate out of, givingus the potential to keep making dough all day. By then we weregoing to two major fairs in the Shenandoah valley. Interest,demand, and requests continued to grow and in March 2012 we made adecision to focus our attention to Strites Donuts full time.Presently we have developed two fully equipped mobile units and onetemporary mobile unit that set up at sites throughout theShenandoah Valley. In November 2013 we opened a store at 710 PortRepublic Road which gives us the opportunity to deliver wholesaleto many retail locations. Follow us on Facebook and on the Web tosee where we are and what we are up to, we update daily. Come byand give our donuts a try today!
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Adiestramiento 1.8
Ofrecemos servicios de adiestramiento caninoyresidencia canina con estancia en positivo. Gran parte delosproblemas de comportamiento de los perros en nuestra sociedad,sedeben a faltas de entendimiento. Esta falta de entendimiento porlogeneral es culpa del humano, que no presta tanta atención,comohace el perro. Esta falta de atención unida a que en muchoscasos,no somos constantes y concisos en nuestro comportamientohacianuestro perro, hacen que el perro tome sus propias decisioneseiniciativas, lo que por lo general nos creará problemas. Portantocon el adiestramiento, pretendemos enseñarle a usted acomunicarsede manera correcta con su perro. Enseñamos a su perro aacudirsiempre a la llamada. A caminar a su lado con o sin correa,sintirar de esta y a permanecer tumbado hasta que se leindique,incluso si usted no está a la vista. Podemos enseñar muchasmáscosas, pero estas 3 son los pilares para una relaciónarmónicaentre un perro y su dueño, puesto que con estas 3 cosas,tendremoscontrolado a nuestro perro en todo momento. Los dueñoscomo usted,que acuden a nosotros y consiguen estos 3 puntos, pasande tenerperros con comportamientos egoistas y sin control, a tenerperrosque prestan atención y desean estar con su dueño y hacercosas conel. Es decir construimos un buen vínculo entre ambos, loque haceque dueños que paseaban lo justo e imprescindible a susperros,pasen a llevárselos a todas partes. Y esto aporta beneficiosen larelación, puesto que a más tiempo compartamos con nuestroperro,más estaremos entrenando. De este modo nos entenderemosmejormutuamente. Por otro lado el Centro Canino Roblezal, es uncentrode referencia en el tratamiento y rehabilitación de lasconductascaninas agresivas. La agresividad canina, es el principalmotivo desacrificio y nosotros buscamos solucionar esosproblemas.Agresiones a personas, animales o cosas, todas seránvaloradas. Norechazamos nunca ningún caso En lo referente aresidencia canina,ofrecemos un sistema de estancia claramentediferenciador. NuestroCentro Canino, dispone de 60.000 metroscuadrados de terreno, dondesu perro disfrutará de más de 8 horas aldía corriendo y jugandocon otros perros. Los perros alojados ennuestra residencia,permanecen suelto durante todo el día,utilizando los chenilesexclusivamente para dormir. En todo momentose encuentransupervisados por expertos en comportamiento canino.Con nuestrosistema, los perros, no padecen estrés por la separaciónde susdueños. Este sistema tiene efectos muy beneficiosos enlasrelaciones sociales entre los perros. En ocasiones perrosconproblemas de comportamiento con otros perros, aprendenacomportarse de manera social, sólo por el hecho de disfrutar desuestancia con nosotros. Disponemos de precios especiales paralargasestancias. Contamos con servicio veterinario las 24 horas,los 365días del año.We offer dog trainingandkennel to stay positive. Much of the behavior problems of dogsinour society, due to lack of understanding. This lackofunderstanding is usually the fault of the human, not payingmuchattention, as does the dog. This lack of attention that we arenotbound consistent and concise in our behavior towards our doginmany cases, make the dog make his own decisions andinitiatives,which we usually create problems. So with the training,we aim toteach you how to communicate properly with your dog. Weteach yourdog to always go to the call. A walk alongside with orwithout aleash without pulling this lying down and stay until theyare told,even if you are not in sight. We can teach much more, butthese 3are the pillars for a harmonious relationship between a dogand hisowner, because these 3 things, we controlled our dog at alltimes.The owners like you, who come to us and get these 3 points,happento have dogs with selfish behavior and uncontrolled dogs havepayattention and want to be with its owner and do things with. Iewebuild a good link between the two, which makes it right ownerswhowalked their dogs and must, come to take them everywhere. Andthisbrings benefits in the relationship, since more time to sharewithour dog, we will be training more. Thus we will understandeachother better. Furthermore Roblezal Centro Canino, is areferencecenter for the treatment and rehabilitation of aggressivecaninebehavior. Canine aggression is the main reason for sacrificeand weseek to solve these problems. Attacks on people, animals orthings,all be assessed. Never refuse any circumstances Regardingkennel,we offer a set of clearly differentiating stay. Our CanineCenter,has 60,000 square meters of land, where your dog will enjoyover 8hours a day running and playing with other dogs. The dogsstayingin our residence, remain loose throughout the day, usingonly thekennels to sleep. At all times they are supervised byexperts incanine behavior. With our system, the dogs do not sufferfromstress of separation from their owners. This system hasverybeneficial effects on social relationships between dogs.Sometimesdogs with behavior problems with other dogs learn tobehavesocially, just for the sake of enjoying your stay with us. Wehavespecial rates for longer stays. We have 24 hour veterinaryservice,365 days a year.
Cleavage Bra 1.7
The magic cleavage shapewear bra set. Agreatway to compliment your existing wardrobe. Breathe new lifeinto oldoutfits with an enhanced and streamlined look. Becausefashionstarts at the base layer.
Gensan News Online Mag 1.6
www.gensantos.com , better known as GenSanNewsOnline Mag is General Santos City first multi-awarded blog. Itisthe best source of tidbits, info and current happenings abouttheTuna Capital and more.
Nyata 1.7
Nyata’s vision is to provide equalityinfashion and spread the love that style has no size, that allwomenshould feel equal with their fashion options
Shopping Tree Online 1.6
We run an online retail store that operatesasa front for our secret identity, a fund raising vehicle forallsorts of worthwhile causes.
Wholemart Shopping 1.9
With our unique selection of productsandquality services, we have gained a reputation forofferingunbeatable prices on branded items as well as outstandingcustomerservice on all levels.New product lines are continuously added to our offering andwecontinue to expand on the idea of providing you with theperfectonline shopping experience.We're committed to offering you the best experience onlineandfirst-rate services:• Online Access to a huge inventory of selected itemsincludingElectronics, toys, computer equipments...• Fast shipping service• Real time online ordering• Real time online inventory (items on the site are allavailable,unless stated otherwise)• Shipments direct from our warehouse• No minimum purchase amount on your ordersWe are an online provider of a huge selection ofelectronics,giftware, home decor & housewares, toys, computerequipment andmuch more for a fast growing number of customers. Wehave built asolid reputation as reliable, efficient and dependablebusiness,offering our clients enormous variety of products at rockbottomprices.As we offer a truly unique range of branded items atunbeatableprices, our services are unsurpassed by other players whocansimply not compete with us. We make it easy for you to browseourproducts, place orders and benefit from our qualityservices.And to ensure that we always provide you with a unique choiceofproducts at most competitive prices, we will continually enrichourinventory and provide you with quality products at thebestprice.Our extensive inventory, superb customer service, rockbottomprices and unique experience, allow you to buy items atsuperprices and with unsurpassed service. And we're stronglycommittedto maintaining our truly unique offering and best onlineshoppingexperience.
OzyBargains 1.7
What do we do? We are a secure e-Commercesitewith thousands of products all sold at incredibly low prices.Ourgoods range from daily household items to high-techelectronicdevices. We add to our inventory every day and researchthe marketto make sure we have some of the lowest prices out there.Why shopwith us? Because we offer great deals every day with lowprices andhigh quality products. Our team search high and low tofind thebest suppliers to provide our customers with anever-growing widerange of quality products while keeping priceslow. We alsounderstand the pains of having to pay for shipping andhandlingcharges, and therefore we offer free standard shipping forall ourcustomers worldwide. Customer service is also a hugepriority forus and we have a dedicated team of professionalcustomer servicerepresentatives working around the clock to assistand answer thequeries of all our customers.
Tenacious Fitness Unlimited 1.8
Tenacious Fitness Unlimited is a fullscalenon-profit physical fitness service company. Our goal is tooffercomplementary fitness and wellness programs for lowerincomeat-risk subgroups.
VinoEnology.com 1.7
VinoEnology.com is a website that offersuniqueWinemaking Calculators, Industry Directory, Videos, WineNews, andB2B Marketplace where wine professional can promote andmarket theircompanies, properties, products, wine jobs andservices.VinoEnology.com is here to keep you inform what'shappening in thewine industry, from new brands being developed, towho's beingbought and sold, we understand the unique needs anddemands of thisdynamic industry. VinoEnology.com is becoming theindustry's largestwine network and our goal is to connect the wineprofessionals tomake them more productive and successful. wherewine professionalscan promote and market theirbusiness,grapes,bulk wines, winerybarrels, equipment, products,wine jobs and services.VinoEnology.com is here to keep you informwhat's happening in thewine industry, from new brands beingdeveloped, to who's beingbought and sold, we understand the uniqueneeds and demands of thisdynamic industry. VinoEnology.com isbecoming the industry's largestwine network and our goal is toconnect the wine professionals tomake them more productive andsuccessful.
Teach Me How To Do 1.7
Teach Me How To DoThis is an information technology site with tutorial (howto).http://techmehowtodo.com/
Sportlly 1.7
Sportlly is an editorially driven eventandcommerce startup focusing on Sports & Fitness market. Webringyou Adventure, Fun & Sports activities every week allaroundHong Kong. You get to discover and try all fun activitieswithfriends, family and kids. Sportlly editorial and eventteamformulate enjoyable events which keep you active and youngallyear. No more lazy weekends, enjoy the events.
Yzenith Chinese Recipes 1.8
Yzenith Will provide Free mostAuthenticChinese Recipes, News about China Facts.
Christmas Every Month 1.9
Christmas Every Month is your guide tohiddentreasures about how to eat healthy and be wealthy. Everyonelikesto eat and more and more people want to eat only healthfulfoodsthat are beneficial and will help them avoid the costlydoctors andhospitals and Health Insurance. Now, you can ingesthealthy foodthat has the 43 essential nutrients that every worldhealthorganization agrees are the most important vitamins, mineralsandmicro-nutrients that everyone must get into their bodies everyday.No more pills, potions and promotions, just really greattastinggourmet food that sticks to your ribs and also helps youloseweight. You cannot find this food anywhere else.BusinessOpportunity in Pre-launch now. Do not hesitate when itcomes toyour family's health - this is the new product launch ofthecentury. Christmas is the best time to be preparing for theNewYear. Your Credit Card will not be charged until after Feb. 1stofnext year.
Paraguay en tu mano 1.9
Paraguay en tu mano es una guia comercialyturística que pretende ser la guía más completa del país,mostrandodetalles completos de lugares turisticos y negocios delParaguay.Empresas: Si usted no aparece entre las empresas listadas,no sepreocupe, usted puede registrar gratuitamente su empresa paraqueclientes potenciales puedan conocer su negocio, sin embargonopodrá contar con todas las características que ofrecemos conlaopción de pago. Usuarios: Usted puede encontrar los negociosmáscercanos a su ubicación si dispone de un tablet o smartphoneconsistema gps (global position satelital). Si usted no cuentaconeste tipo de equipos no se preocupe, solo elija el tipo denegocioy la ciudad donde quiere encontrar el negocio.Paraguay in your hand isacommercial and tourist guide that claims to be themostcomprehensive guide to the country, showing full details oftouristattractions and businesses Paraguay. Companies: If you arenotamong the companies listed, do not worry, you can registeryourcompany for free to potential clients to know their business,butmay not have all the features we offer with the paymentoption.Users: You can find the closest business to your location ifyouhave a tablet or smartphone with gps system (globalpositionsatellite). If you do not have this kind of equipment donot worry,just choose the type of business and the city where youwish tofind the business.
Autism Sensory Box 1.7
A monthly subscription box, designedforchildren with autism. Packed with sensory goodies andentertainingitems to stimulate the senses and promote cognitivedevelopment.FREE shipping - cancel any time! Convenient andhassle-free.
Freelance Digital Designer 1.8
I'm an award-winning freelance digitaldesigner from the UK with over 10 years experience in the industry.I've worked with big names including Microsoft, Ticketmaster andthe Eurovision Song Contest, as well as small businesses andindividuals. My skillset ranges from UX Design right through toproject management and development. Having worked within two topdigital agencies in a lead role, I know what works and how to makethings work! This site is a very small selection of the manyprojects I've worked on. If you're looking for a website, mobileapp or you just need some advice, please feel free to contact meusing this app.
Parque Haras Vila Cowtry Sumé 1.7
Description: O Parque Haras VilaCowtrylocalizado em Sumé - PB, inova com seu novo aplicativoAndroid,para facilitar a compra de senhas para a sua 8ª Vaquejadaque serárealizada de 22 a 25 de Janeiro de 2015, serão distribuídos130 milem prêmios aos vaqueiros vencedores do evento.O evento também contará com as participações das bandas.Forródas Antigas, Eliane e Chiquinho de Belém. Não perca tempobaixe oaplicativo, faca já sua inscrição e garanta seu númerodesejado.Preencha corretamente o formulário, clique em enviar, eescolha aforma de pagamento mais segura da Internet.Dúvidas na sua Categoria entre em contato.Confira nosso regulamento, a categoria Estrelas do futurotambémconcorre à premiação do Aspirante.Description: TheHarasPark Village Cowtry located in Sumé - PB, innovates with itsnewAndroid application, to facilitate the purchase of passwordsforits 8th Vaquejada to be held from 22 to 25 January 2015, willbedistributed to 130,000 in prizes Cowboys winners of the event.The event will also feature the participation of the bands.Forróof the Old, Eliane and Chiquinho of Bethlehem. Do not wastetimedownloading the application, knife have your application andensureyour desired number. Fill out the form, press send, andselect theform of payment safer Internet.Doubts in its Category contact.Check out our regulation, the Stars category of the futurealsocompete for awards of the Aspirant.
San Antonio Exterminator 1.7
We are reliable and licensed professionalswithmany years of experience. We listen to our customers and workwiththem to address their needs, quickly solving any pest issuestheymay have while keeping the cost to a bare minimum. We alsorotateour products to keep insects from developing an immunity toover useof a single product. This keeps your home protected tothemaximum!!
Royalty Real Estates LLC 1.9
Royalty real estates llc is a realestateinvesting company that specializes in lease option homesandwholesaling homes to real estate investors. We currently operateinharford county, baltimore county, and baltimore city andallsurrounding areas. - Are you looking to sell your home and wanttoget a all cash offer for your house? - Are you looking to ownahouse and have certain circumstances holding you back? Lack ofdownpayment, credit not good enough? - Are you a real estateinvestorlooking for discounted properties to invest in? - Are yousomeonejust looking to make a lot of extra money? The way thisworks youask? You go out and find me people looking to sell therehome, if ibuy or lease the home i give you $500. If you said yes toany ofthe questions above then i could help. We have a sign up listonour website royaltyrealestates.com for each one of thesequestionson our website. You can go to royaltyrealestates.com andsign up toone of our list to answer these questions. Thank you forvisiting,call us if you have any questions. (443) 407-3661 Have agoodday!
Uxur Taxi 1.9
Uxur Taxi, we are really want to be unique,weare working hard to provide best in taxi services. Our goal istoprovide this great taxi services on the planet earth. GPStrackingiPhone pickup location, prepaid customers and muchmore
Facility Gps Tracker 1.6
SISTEMA COM MONITORAÇÃO GPSINTELIGENTEMONITORAÇÃO - BLOQUEIO - DESBLOQUEIO - ROTAS - CERCAELETRÔNICA-ALERTAS Monitoração pela WEB, Android e iPhonePRINCIPAIS FUNCIONALIDADESACESSO ILIMITADO (WEB e MOBILE)- Ambiente WEB - www.facilitygpstracker.com- Aplicação Android - FacilityGpsTracker- Aplicação iPhone - iFacilityGpsTrackerMONITORAÇÃO, BLOQUEIO E DESBLOQUEIO- Posição, status, histórico, bloqueio e desbloqueio através daWEBe CELULAR Android ou iPhoneSISTEMA INTELIGENTE- A monitoração é realizada por um sistema inteligente 24 horaspordia, 7 dias por semana, que identifica seu perfil e gera alertaserelatórios automáticos das exceções.GPS MONITORING SYSTEMWITHINTELLIGENT MONITORING - LOCK - RELEASE - ROUTES - FENCEALERTSelectronically monitoring the Web, Android and iPhoneKey FeaturesUNLIMITED ACCESS (WEB and MOBILE)- Environment WEB - www.facilitygpstracker.com- Android Application - FacilityGpsTracker- IPhone Application - iFacilityGpsTrackerMONITORING, AND LOCK RELEASE- Position, status, historical, locking and unlocking the WEBandMOBILE Android or iPhoneINTELLIGENT SYSTEM- Monitoring is carried out by an intelligent system 24 hours aday,7 days a week, which identifies your profile and generatesalertsand automatic reporting of exceptions.
Shoe Capital 1.7
Best Sneaker Source Online